Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Everest Report Essay Example for Free

Everest Report EssayIntroductionEverest cloak is a conclave line program created by Harvard this program every(prenominal)ows police squads to secure new begins in likeness to conclave tasks. The Everest teams were given two opportunities to complete the poser, during the two models team members learnt how to problem solve and make untroubled lasts to ensure the free radical and singular goals were met. This exercise is a valuable tool to learn as it places students in teamwork situation inside professional organisations. The fol commencementing report will examine both simulations knocked out(p)come of guides and the important events which took place. Focusing on the group and individuals devour based on the theory concepts attitudes, attractors and groups and teams.As the results were at a blank space the report will look at the type of schemas adapted betweenboth attempts. As we did not induct a clear-cut leading style and no clear communication with in the offset printing simulation this affected the over solely federal agency and prevail in achieving a lofty group and individual score this report will discourse what type of leading theory was approached during both simulations and the change of structure done the group experience.Preparation of Everest mannikinAs the Everest simulation is a group based task we were carcassed into our numbered groups. Group 35 inflexible during the tutorial to take function in the first simulation through position to locution contact, in this meeting were technical issues within the Wi-Fi system and we could not continue with the Everest cost increase. Some members suggested we continue at a later time through the Skype program. During this conclusion we had a some encounters as a few of the team members including myself were not familiar within the Skype program ,including the time chosen for first climb would not be suitable for group members external conditions. It had seemed we were facing a dilemma, we found ourselves problem solving even onward the first Everest climb.As a group we problem solved to ensure we could support all members individual commitments with minimal conflict. It is imperative when forming a group task to ensure all group members are genial with the final decision according to (Lakeins, 1973 cited in Ma back, 1994) there were forms of time management descriptions were individuals confirm the splendor of their individualized needs and facing the task of previousitising these activities to ensure the goals are met and accomplished. This evidence suggests that most individuals preparing for a group task will prioritise and be committed to complete the Everest simulation1.Critical Analysis of Attitudes / groups and teams withinEverest simulation 1and 2Group experience and resultThis first group reflection is based on the first Everest simulation which subsequently took place via a realistic mode of Skype, This virtual interactio n gave the group a check group result/of 67 The attitudes of the team were very absolute in building strong relationships with bingle another(prenominal), this first simulation was at a forming stage and we moved into the stormingstage of adapting to each others behaviours and personalitys. Time management had move an issue as we were trying to contact a few Everest tem members who did not respond to the sign set time for virtual meeting after 45minutes after the initial start time. As there was a cultural diverse group of personality we found ourselves growth strategies within a social interaction, gaining respect for each individual member and personal commitments.As prior to commencement there were difficulties with computer problems during attend to face meeting within the library. It is imperative as a group that consistency is vital to gain a more efficient and effective result in productiveness. Motivation and emotional factors of not knowing each other on a closer bas es and the unite of a virtual experience was a concern ( Baltes, 2002, cited in , Bordia, 1997) Demonstrates that studies have shown computer based teams are less satisfied and arrogant of those who meet in a face to face environment. As we all had no prior recognition of familiarisation w it one another this became a little difficult to canalise a virtual group task, As our score was a little low this whitethorn have been due to the unclear communication of a virtual experience at times as a group it was unclear to know if we would proceed due to messaging being transmitted and encoded with no clear construction.As stated by (Bos 2002 and Jensen, 2000 cited in Hertel, 2012) Differences between computer-me diated and face-to-face teams for negotiation tasks have seldom been explored. It is normally recommended that negotiation and conflict management should rather be realized face-to-face than at a distance because they involve complex interaction and the need to build trust As a group within the first simulation we had no clear discussion on the Everest group goals and what we initially would like from this experience prior to climb. Due to the external noises and distractions during the virtual simulation through Skype at times it seemed there was low level of cheer in completing the tasks in front, once the simulation was completed their was job satisfaction in completing a score of 67%.Everest Simulation 2 was completed as another form of meeting this time we wanted to build a better performance rate in the second simulation, we decided it may be more productive to meet in house face to face, this was probably the most suitable decision. At this stage were forming closerelationships and building trust as a group, getting to know the behaviours of one another. Our second team score was 96% this was a significant shew in results, the probability of a higher score may have come from the confidence we all gained in communicating as a team and not as ind ividuals. There was a whiz of inclusion and respect for all suggestions on how we would help all team members meet the goals of the summit climb more effectively and efficiently. This was not homely within the virtual simulation as we had no group structure or clear goals.Individual Experience and resultMy individual experience and result of the first simulation within the Attitudes and group and team theory, I originally was very hesitant as I knew it was imperative to form a strong team ethic to ensure we succeeded in the tasks set out by the Everest simulation. Originally I have only ever been in face to face situations with group tasks I was excited about a new challenge of virtual encyclopaedism but at the same time not sure about how I could build trust through the whiff of technology. As an individual researched the job description of my position as the marathoner, this preparation was to ensure I could support my team members in the higher success of reaching the summit and meeting the group goals and individual goals set. During and to begin with the climb we had no briefing regarding the Everest team goals and we just commenced the climb as a member of a team I know this is an important part of team building of relationships and discuss within your team.This can also affect the trust of a group and team and we are already reluctant to gain relationships with team members, I wondered whether this may have been due to the virtual experience I had been a part of as discussed by (Li 2004 cited in Brahm and Kunze, 2012) moderating the lineament of trust is more difficult in the virtual team thus can create trust attitudes and the relationship of team trust and team cohesiveness. My derive result for the first Everest simulation was at 67% I feel this may have been due to the confusion on whether to speak up or just sit back and not interact with the group due to the lack of clear communication. The Everest simulation 2 was a much more positive and enjoyable task as an individual I was more confident with a face to face meeting, at one stage I was a internal attraction by gaining the confidence in expressing my interest and advice inhaving the next simulation meeting together. I suggested this may create a higher score for us as a team.As an individual I could relate to the flexibility of a virtual meeting but was hesitant in the process and the clear low result we may achieve. Speaking up and having vowel system was the start of feeling comfortable within my team environment, there may have been other team members who mat up the same decision was necessary as stated by (Argyris, 1991 cited in Morrison, Wheeler-Smith, Kamdar 2011, pg. 183) Group and team members often do not share their opinions, ideas, and concerns, and such an absence of voice can have serious negative implications for group performance. As an individual going into a group task I feel it is important to have your say to benefit your team in success. My i ndividual score of the second simulation was a result of 100% this high score I feel was from the result of strong decision making and problem solving within the group. We also had suitable time between climbs to take our time and work through questioning every step we took as a group I feel my extroverted approach to this questioning aid in the high individual score. In the end it is vital to have clear goals and achieve success through positive and effective construction within a team environment.Group Experience within LeadershipEverest simulation one and the drawship dynamic through the virtual experience of Skype may have affected the initial role of the team draw and the response of no clear structure or coordination within the group. As our group existed to remain new to the first simulation we were still adapting to each others behaviours. As a leader it is imperative to gain confidence in building the relationships within your group, the team leader assigned seemed quit e held back and not confident in becoming assertive within the decision making process, whether this was due to a virtual leadership role and difficulties familiarisation of a new group of people.. We as a group required a strong leader who could guide us all in our role for a successful climb. Our leader was more of a Laissez-faire style who generally was joyous for all team members to come together and have freedom in the decision making process.At the beginning of the confusion in the virtual Everest climb our leader was introverted but was a confirming leader and happy for us to move when required. The group still had respect for theauthority of the leader as this member was still in form of legitimate power due to the job description and role within the Everest simulation. We all know the role we were required to play. Our group had quite a few natural leaders who were supportive with the knowledge of what was the next option. Put a quote in about importance of a strong clear confident leader also talk about difficulties faced by leaders in virtual roles During the first climb there were a few scenarios were as a group we would problem solve wether to move on and leave the critically ill, I found myself postponement on the other end of disruptions from a clear answer from our team leader. In the end it felt more like a self-reflective answer from all members on their own individual goals.Individual experience and resultMy individual experience of Everest simulation one was at first curious to see how leadership would be demonstrated through a virtual experience, as managing group or team in a work environment can have its challenges my initial thought was leading a team with no visual contact could affect the process. As we did not have a briefing or discuss the goals of the team I felt it was unorganised through the leadership process. I knew the role of the leader would have some advantage in ensuring we all meet our own individual goals and those of the Everest team as discussed by At times I feel l was a natural leader who assisted my team in achieving maximum success through supportive questions and answers.At the same time I was aware we were all team members from diverse cultural backgrounds, i respected this and showed respect for all my team members. Leadership was not as strong at the first simulation, but progressed over periods as we started to form a stronger group. As stated in our Team contract we referred to having a specific team leader but collaborated together in a final vote. Virtual teams can have difficulty in leading (Hertal udo,2005 pg 72) suggest that virtual experiences by hand are feelings of isolation and decreased interpersonal contact, change magnitude chances of misunderstandings and conflict escalation, and increased opportunities of role ambiguity and goal conflicts due to commitments to different work-units.Following from this quote it is evident from our second simulation of face to face inter action, we had a change in leadership style our leader demonstrated characteristicsin becoming a democratic leader, this assisted me in growing confidence to become more effective and efficient in meeting the individual and team goals and my leader became more prosecute in the learning process. This may have also resulted in a final group result of 96% and my individual result of 100%. Due to the change in leadership we become a confidant ad trustworthy group with a sense of social glue. Leadership with social face to face interaction showed more qualities for a successful leader and team.ConclusionBased on the analytic thinking of the two attempts of the Everest simulations it is recommended that as a group we remained more productive and efficient in meeting our goals through face to face collaboration. As our results varied remarkably amongst both simulations The Everest simulation is a wonderful learning device to gain improvement in new expertise utilised in the team and grou p environment of a workplace, ensuring group development throughout the process likewise evident in the significance of integrating the team contract and policies to track when members required assistance.References1Baltes et al., 2002 Bordia, 1997 Hollingshead McGrath, 1995 Warkentin et al., 1997) page 86 cited in2 Gersick, Connie J G. (1988). 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